A Writer's Life: Part 1

I apologize that I have been AWOL for so long. Had preparations for the holidays, there was a nasty flu bug that wiped one out for several weeks straight, had some health issues, and visited family over Christmas break. But, better late than never, Happy New Year and all that jazz, I am back! :) Today, let's talk about a writer's life. If you walk in any bookstore or peruse the shelves at the library, you'll very quickly notice that most of the authors are older and mostly in their 40's-60's, with established lives and careers. You don't really see any younger, success authors out there in their 20's and 30's, those who are barely out of college or starting a family, or living on their own. Why is that? What happened to authors like, Mary Shelley who wrote Frankenstein when she was 17, or Helen Keller who wrote The Story of My Life at 22, or Charles Dickens who published his first novel of the Pickwick Papers when he was 24, or Ralph Waldo Emerson wh...