A Writer’s Life: Part 3

May the fourth be with you! :) Rule number 6 for a successful writer's life is to: 6. "Read, read, read." It is important to always be reading, both rereading classics that you love, and, exploring new things. It is important to read books in the period of time you want to write about. That way you can immerse yourself in the time period and culture. Then you can better understand, and then write about, the styles and the issues of that time or genre. It is also key to read contemporary authors, and to keep up on modern issues. Then, as well as writing about internal, eternal struggles, we can better incorporate modern issues in our writing to make it relevant to readers now. 7. "Accept criticism." It may seem like a no-brainer so we can improve, but it is easier said than done. We need to separate our writing from the worth of our soul. We need to remember that the critiques are on the writing, NOT on you as an individual. Accepting criticism is the only way to...