Exercise in Desire: Apple Of Honor

In one of my creative writing classes, we did an exercise about desire. We were challenged to find a story, and write it from several different viewpoints, so the reader could empathize and understand where each of the characters was coming from. Enjoy! Hera sighed, the peacock feathers in her luscious brunette braids waving softly in the sea breeze. She glared up at her home, Mount Olympus, on her right, thundering in the distance, eyes narrowing. Tonight was not a night that she wished to be home, and in the same proximity as her husband. That petty goddess of trouble, Eris, had just started her worst disaster yet. She had thrown a golden apple in the middle of a wedding feast, to be claimed by the fairest goddess of them all. Having this apple, that glorious title of, “the fairest,” that would stop all of the whisperings in the godly court. She was not old and past her prime, she was the goddess of women and loving marriage for heaven’s sake. She was married to the greatest god of ...