
Showing posts from July, 2021

What is Caregiver Stress Syndrome?

Get extra support while caregiving. (Written for ) Caregiving can be very rewarding. However, it’s a reality that the extra responsibilities and time commitment are difficult to manage. Caregiver Stress Syndrome sets in when these additional demands leave you feeling chronically exhausted - physically, mentally and emotionally. Experiencing this condition is not uncommon.  The key is to make your own health a priority so you can continue to provide care to your loved one. To do this, it is likely you’ll need some assistance from others. Consider enlisting support from these groups:  Family : Help with tasks like cleaning the house, dropping off a meal or providing transportation to a doctor’s appointment can free up time for self-care.  Friends : Be intentional about connecting with your support network. It may not be possible to attend book group, but you could still call in for the first few min...

Getting Kids into a Routine

Easy practices to help your little ones prep for the upcoming school year. Written for ) With a new school year approaching, ease your children’s transition from lazy summer days to their regular fall schedule using the tips below:  Re-establish Sleep Patterns. After long hours of daylight, staying up late to game or binge watch TV or irregular schedules due to travel, kids may have gotten out of school-time sleeping mode. Start the process now by setting bedtimes and morning alarms, then moving both up in 15 or 30 minutes increments every few days. For every time change, add a new element of evening or morning routines such as bathing/showering, choosing outfits, reading time or pet care. Visit the Sleep Fitness Toolkit for resources to help you get better sleep. Reboot Eating Habits. Activities, meals on the go and special treats can impact healthy eating habits and if the kids have been home all day this su...

Traveling Safely this Summer

Travel tips as pandemic restrictions begin to ease. (Written for ) With nearly 50% of the U.S. population fully vaccinated, COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to ease around the country. The opportunity to travel again is exciting but staying safe is still important, to protect your health and those around you. Here are travel tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you are fully vaccinated: During : The CDC recommends wearing a mask while traveling in public transportation areas. Follow all state and local recommendations for wearing masks and social distancing.  After : When you return home, you do not need to get tested or self-quarantine if you’ve been fully vaccinated but do self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms. Breakthrough cases, while rare, are still possible - the top five most common symptoms among fully vaccinated people are headache, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, and los...