What is Caregiver Stress Syndrome?
Get extra support while caregiving. (Written for http://www.wellbeing.place/home/2021/7/21/what-is-caregiver-stress-syndrome ) Caregiving can be very rewarding. However, it’s a reality that the extra responsibilities and time commitment are difficult to manage. Caregiver Stress Syndrome sets in when these additional demands leave you feeling chronically exhausted - physically, mentally and emotionally. Experiencing this condition is not uncommon. The key is to make your own health a priority so you can continue to provide care to your loved one. To do this, it is likely you’ll need some assistance from others. Consider enlisting support from these groups: Family : Help with tasks like cleaning the house, dropping off a meal or providing transportation to a doctor’s appointment can free up time for self-care. Friends : Be intentional about connecting with your support network. It may not be possible to attend book group, but you could still call in for the first few min...