A Writer's Life: Part 4

Hey folks! Hope y'all are having a lovely summer! Rule number 8 for a successful writer's life is to: 8. "Learn the craft." As with most things in life, it is never a "flood of inspiration," that gets us to the level that we want to be at. It takes hard work and sacrifice. It takes a 1,000 hours to become a master at a sport or instrument, it is going to take the same amount of time to become a master at writing. So, start that practice now :) Be a craftsman in your own right and use the tools in your toolbox of writing, such as: point of view, conflict, dialogue, diction, scenery, time, backstory, etc. Writing is a special form of art, as you transform words into images in people's minds and convey emotion that was not there before. Reading changes people. Become a master of your own craft of writing and set out to change others for the better. 9. "Give honestly." Give art for others; it is not about you, it is a labor of love for other people...