A Writer's Life: Part 4

Hey folks! Hope y'all are having a lovely summer!

Rule number 8 for a successful writer's life is to:

8. "Learn the craft." As with most things in life, it is never a "flood of inspiration," that gets us to the level that we want to be at. It takes hard work and sacrifice. It takes a 1,000 hours to become a master at a sport or instrument, it is going to take the same amount of time to become a master at writing. So, start that practice now :) Be a craftsman in your own right and use the tools in your toolbox of writing, such as: point of view, conflict, dialogue, diction, scenery, time, backstory, etc. Writing is a special form of art, as you transform words into images in people's minds and convey emotion that was not there before. Reading changes people. Become a master of your own craft of writing and set out to change others for the better.

9. "Give honestly." Give art for others; it is not about you, it is a labor of love for other people. Write for others, to bring them joy. It is your unique gift to give to others; no one else can write like you can. Think of your favorite book, and your favorite scene in that book, that changed you. That happened because you were able to partake of the author's writing, their gift to you. When you view writing as a service, your writing becomes stronger. Don't only write when you are feeling motivated, or inspired, "a writer is someone who sticks with an idea long after it has lost its luster. Write all of the time." -Professor Josh Allen.

And finally, 10. "Trust your birthright and destiny." God is a creator; we are His children and have innate creativity and potential within us. "He has endowed us with the same dormant seed of divine creation that He has." -Professor Josh Allen. We just need to discover and bring it to the surface, as we are always creating. WE ARE CREATORS. IT IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT. And as such, we can help others to become successful as well, together. Lift others up; there is enough happiness and success in the world for us to all share and partake of it. "It does not matter so much what you do, but that which you do, do it with all your heart." -F. Enzio Busche. Stop. Slow down. Pay attention to the beautiful world around you and the people in it. Listen. And, Write. <3


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