
Showing posts from August, 2020

1st Person Or 3rd Person, Which Is Better?

 There are several different ways to write, depending on the perspective and point of view (POV) you want to portray. There's 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person. 1st person is the I/we perspective, 2nd person is you perspective, while 3rd person is he/she/it/they perspective. Very rarely is the 2nd person viewpoint used, since it is so difficult to write, with the reader actually being the character. 1st person and 3rd person, however, are both used quite frequently. So, which is better to use? That really depends on the viewpoint you want to pursue. 1st person is more intimate, allowing you to get directly into your character's head. Popular examples of this are The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger, and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. 1st person POV can raise the emotional stakes, and be conversational. However, it can be subjective and have an unreliable narrator, since you are j...

Life Is Never What You Expect

It's been an especially rough few weeks/month with a lot of introspection. We just passed our two-year mark of trying to conceive without any success or a single positive line on a pregnancy test. It's also about to be my 26th birthday, as well as our third wedding anniversary. I've felt old and dissatisfied, and not at all where I pictured my life to be at this age.  By 26, I figured I'd be on my way to publishing a novel, I'd be graduated, married, my husband would be done with school, and we'd be healthy and settled into a house and career, and 1-2 little kids running around, and maybe even a pet. Well, life doesn't quite turn out the way you expect. I'm nowhere near ready to publish a novel yet. Macen is still in grad school. We still have quite aways to go before being done with apartments and settling into a house and career. I'm not healthy due to PCOS and depression. There are no children yet, with no idea when that will occur in the future b...