Flash Fiction: What Is It And Why Should You Try It?

"For Sale: baby shoes, never worn." -Ernest Hemingway. Six words, one sentence. These heartbreaking words are the shortest story known to man, written on a bet that he could make people cry with a short flash fiction story only six words long.

Here are some wonderful examples of flash fiction. Flash fiction is a short story that can range from 5-1,500 words. It is more than just a novel condensed and abbreviated into a few short pages. It still needs to offer character and plot development despite its extreme brevity. Since the story is short, you need to make sure that each sentence peels back another layer of movement that wasn't visible at first. Every sentence needs to be purposeful and tell a story.

It is an excellent exercise to do when you are stuck with your novel writing and have hit a roadblock. When you just need to step away from a moment to get the creative juices flowing.

This was my first attempt at flash fiction, and man is it difficult, but really fun to do! 497 words later and here you go; enjoy!


Jacob dejectedly trudged to the window, his feet dragging as if chains were attached to them, “wife-beater” tank top hanging loose on his lanky frame, as the rumbling of a truck pulled on to the curb. It was the flower delivery truck, the bright yellow logo and colored flowers boldly painted on its sides. Its cheerfulness made Jacob sick. He inhaled slowly, the flower scent wafting delicately through the open window, the scent pushing through the fog of his aching head and waking him out of his stupor.

The roses reminded him of his ex-girlfriend, Ruby. Her hair smelling like spring, soft as the petals, eyes as delicate as flowers. She always smelled like flowers, flowers she would get herself since he could never be bothered to get them for her, spending his money instead on that night’s fix. Jacob sighed at the memory, the loss still as sharp as hidden thorns in a beautiful rose, tainting the perfection. Despite the thorns, he still yearned for his treasured flower. He spun on his heels, the blood rushing to his head with the quick movement and half ran, half stumbled down the stairs to catch the truck before it left. She had been the flower and prize of his life, and damn it, he was going to show her just how much she meant to him, still.

Jacob’s grimy hand paused on the door handle, trembling. What was he thinking? He was a wreck, a drunk. She’d kicked his ass out and never wanted to see his face again. He wasn’t good enough for her, he should let her live her life. She deserved more.

The smell of roses came wafting through the house, reminding him of past times; hopeful. Flowers always came back to life…could they do the same? Was it worth hurting Ruby again, and being hurt by being a constant disappointment to her? This time, this time it would be different. He would show her she was still his flower. He turned the doorknob, the trembling vanished as he strode out the door, only having to steady himself on the porch column once from the hangover of the night before.

He bought a dozen roses, for the first time, and asked them to be delivered to Ruby with the message, “I’ve put it away. Can our relationship bloom anew?”

Jacob strode back inside, grabbed the trash, and threw the fridge door open. With a vicious sweep of his arm, all of the bottles that had pushed him away from Ruby clattered into the trash can. He was done, no turning back. His breath caught in his throat, thinking of the last time he had seen her. No, shaking his head, trying to rid himself of the memory. This time, things would be different. He wasn’t sure it would work, but he had to try to get her back. His rose, his life. He needed her like roses needed the life of spring.

Do you enjoy writing flash fiction? What is your favorite flash fiction story you've read? :)

Feel free to share examples below! :)


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