Staying Flexible During Change

Improve your mental and emotional flexibility so you can better adapt to change.

(Written for

Flexibility is the key to stability. 

- John Wooden 

When you think of the word flexible, images of gymnasts and yoga classes may be the first to come to mind. However, being emotionally and mentally flexible is actually important to your overall wellbeing, particularly during times of change. 

Learning to recognize your strengths and how to use them when life throws you a curveball can reduce stress and anxiety. And like many things, the more you practice, the more you learn. Here are a few ways you can increase your flexibility so you can continue to move forward when change happens:

Maintain a Sense of Perspective. Try to step back from your thoughts and see the bigger picture. Ask yourself, "How big is this problem really?" and "What do I need to do?" Remember to keep things in proportion and avoid dwelling on worst-case scenarios. Remind yourself that though this might be hard, it’s only temporary.

Accept Change and Learn How To Calm Yourself. Change and uncertainty are part of life. When you accept this, you'll be better able to react to disruption with flexibility. When you feel yourself responding to a challenge with escalating stress and anxiety, take steps to destress such as deep breathing, changing your focus and going for a quick walk. Starting a regular meditation practice can also help.

Anticipate Challenges and Plan Ahead. Realize that things aren't set in stone and think through different scenarios. Focus on the positive ways in which you can meet roadblocks and seize new opportunities. This will help you feel more in control and prepared, and less overwhelmed by what could potentially happen.

Staying flexible in the middle of change is quite possible and will help you be at your best when the current situation is resolved. 


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