How Animals Can Help with Addiction Recovery


Discover how our furry companions can help us through tough times.

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Numerous studies have shown that animals have a positive impact on mental health. Did you know that a four-legged friend can also help with rehabilitation or addiction recovery?

Pets can help reduce tension, improve moods, decrease anxiety, lower blood pressure and release oxytocin, which helps you feel connected to others. Some of the ways that animals can help individuals in recovery are:

Responsibility: A pet relies on its owner to take care of them and provide food, water, exercise, and playtime. If the animal is a dog, they also require you to take them outside to go to the bathroom. When someone is recovering, it can be beneficial for them to take on the responsibility of caring for someone else and focusing on them.  It can be empowering and help you develop empathy and feelings of self-worth. 

Exercise: Going on a walk, hike or run with your dog can also help motivate you to exercise more often. Physical activity can help you lower your stress and depression, improve your mood and quality of sleep, and even help prevent relapse. A pet can also help you have a reason to get out of bed in the morning, maintain a daily routine and provide a welcome distraction from harmful things or hobbies that may otherwise fill your time. 

Relationships: Depending on the circumstances, the road to recovery can be lonely at times. Frequently, those with substance use disorders who are trying to get clean, break off ties with bad influences that can trigger addictive behavior. They may have also hurt or pushed away loved ones in the past. Single people in recovery programs are also often advised to stay away from starting romantic relationships for a while. Having a furry companion can help fill the void and give you someone to love, who will love you unconditionally, no matter how you are feeling that day. Pets don’t have any reservations, don’t judge or criticize and constantly show affection, which can help rebuild your self-esteem. You can also talk to your pets about anything, even tricky topics, which is great practice for having future difficult conversations with people.

Getting a furry companion is well worth the time and effort and can be beneficial for anyone who wants to boost their mental health.


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