Give Self-Care for Mother's Day

Simple and easy ways to celebrate the women in your life.

(Written for

Sunday, May 9th is Mother’s Day. The past 12 months have brought extra challenges to mothers across the globe — isolation from friends and family, working on the front lines of the pandemic or adapting to remote work, coordinating homeschooling efforts, keeping everyone healthy or taking care of those were ill. 

This is a wonderful opportunity to thank the women in your life for all they do. There are simple and easy ways to show your appreciation (in addition to or in lieu of flowers and chocolate, of course) by giving the gift of self-care:

  • Create a coupon book. Include items to take off Mom’s plate such as making dinner, doing the laundry or cleaning the house and ways to recharge including a day of sleeping in, a foot massage or complete control of the TV remote for an evening. 
  • Enjoy the outdoors. You don’t have to go far to get out in nature. Pack a simple picnic lunch and find a park or trail. She will appreciate getting out of the house and enjoying time with you.
  • Take a virtual tour. Let her experience a favorite space or somewhere new with a virtual tour of museums, zoos or aquariums. Do this together or give her the time and space to explore on her own. 
  • Start a “Mom’s the Best” journal. Have everyone write their first entries and then pledge to continue adding notes throughout the year. She will love coming back to the journal over and over again to be reminded how much you care.
  • Make sure she relaxes. Working together to take care of family needs for the day will ensure that Mom has some time for herself. Make it possible for her to read a book, take a long bath or spend time with her friends, or even better, all three!


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