Breaking the Worry Cycle


Learn two easy ways to cope with worry and feel a greater sense of calm.

(Written for

It is common for people to worry about things. Worry can stem from trying to eliminate uncertainty in the future by attempting to problem solve for every possible outcome. It can become a frustrating cycle, however, when your worries, anxieties or doubts become excessive, intrusive and constant. 

The worry cycle can begin with a small “what if?” concern popping into your head. You then immediately start to focus on the thought and turn your mind’s attention to predicting possible scenarios so you can find solutions, even if you know the situation is irrational. The longer you think about the worrisome idea, the harder it becomes to view things from a realistic perspective that hasn’t been blown out of proportion by your fears. Fortunately, there are tools available to break the worry cycle, so you can better cope.

  1. Develop a Realistic Sense of Control. Recognize what you can control and what you can’t. Ask yourself, “Is this a problem I can solve? Or do I need to change the way I feel about the situation?” When you identify what is within your power to change, you can then plan baby steps of how you can overcome it. If it isn’t in your control, try doing a mindfulness exercise to help you practice observing things without reacting with concern or anxiety.

  2. Schedule Time to Worry. As strange as it may sound, it really does help to have a set time every day where all you’re focused on are your worries and fears. Having 15 minutes in your daily routine to worry and think about everything gives you an opportunity to confront everything outside of your control that is causing you to feel anxious. You can even write them down, as a way to work through your emotions and feel a greater sense of calm. At the end of your time limit, tell yourself it’s time to get back to everyday life and focus on other things. With practice, your 24/7 worrying can be contained to only 15 minutes a day, which will greatly increase your productivity.

Learning to refocus your thoughts can help boost your emotional wellbeing. Try one of these simple tips to give you more time and energy to devote to enjoying the world around you.


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