Celebrating Diversity with Children

Simple tips to help children be more accepting of others.

(Written for http://www.wellbeing.place/home/2021/5/26/celebrating-diversity-with-children)

Diversity is part of what makes the world beautiful. Some differences can include age, race, religious beliefs or gender. Celebrating diversity means learning from and respecting others, valuing differences, finding common ground and rejecting stereotypes. It is critical to teach children the importance of appreciating differences, so they can have positive interactions with others and build them up. 

Here are some simple ways that you can help them value diversity:

  • Set a Good Example. Remember that kids are always listening and watching. Set a good example and model kindness in your own daily life. Be aware of the way that you talk to other adults or make jokes that encourage stereotypes. Even though it may seem like harmless fun, it can undo what you’ve taught them about respecting others since your actions speak louder than words.

  • Have Open Conversations about Diversity. While you may be tempted to be politically correct and tell your child things like “we don’t see color” or “we’re all the same on the inside” the reality is that differences do exist. Part of what makes communities so special is that individuals come from unique backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures. Have discussions with your children and answer your child’s questions honestly. TTeach them the importance of accepting people as they are.

  • Correct Your Little One When They Make Insensitive Comments. Sometimes kids will repeat things that they’ve heard and not realize that what they’re saying is offensive. You have the opportunity to turn it into a teaching moment. Gently correct them and explain why it’s wrong to talk negatively about someone because they are different. Remind the child to treat others the way that they want to be treated themselves.

  • Expose Children to Different Racial and Cultural Backgrounds. Have your little ones participate in activities or play dates with children from different backgrounds. Exploring a culture’s food is another great way to help your child celebrate diversity. You can also help them read or watch diversity-themed books or movies so they can experience and appreciate differences. 

  • Celebrate Your Own Heritage. It is also important to help children learn acceptance by embracing their own culture. You can do this by taking a trip, exploring your family tree, or participating in your cultural or religious traditions. Strengthening your child’s sense of identity will increase their self-esteem, so they are more likely to appreciate and respect others as a result.

By welcoming diversity yourself, encouraging learning opportunities and introducing your children to new people, situations and cultures, you can help them greater appreciate differences and treat others with respect.


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