Lean PCOS?

 Did you know there’s regular PCOS and then there’s lean PCOS? When most people think of PCOS, they typically think of the stereotype and outward signs of being overweight, obesity, acne, and facial hair. However, PCOS doesn’t always need to include the weight factor.

The outward signs may not be there with lean PCOS, but the inner symptoms are still wreaking havoc on your body. You can be super skinny and still struggle with the rest of the issues that come along with PCOS, like irregular periods, excruciating cramps, blood sugar issues, fertility problems, elevated testosterone levels, acne, and excess hair everywhere, or even hair loss.

The point is, just because you may not be checking off every box for a health problem diagnosis, there may still be underlying issues. I wish I had gone in to get things checked out when I was a teenager, instead of just sweeping things under the rug and telling myself that being exhausted, having super painful periods, and never able to lose any weight was normal and just the way things were for girls. Instead, I waited until I had left home and was married and actively trying for kids to get everything checked out and lost out on many valuable years I could have been working on managing PCOS and getting better.

If you feel something is off, chances are, they could be. Listen to your body and get check-ups regularly. The more aware you are of your body and how it should normally be functioning, the easier it is to tell when something is wrong. You can nip it in the bud and begin dealing with the health issue right away by being in tune with your body, even if you don’t fit the stereotype of health issues. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and be your own advocate; your body and health will thank you later!

Do you have lean PCOS, or know someone that does?


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