Healthy Seeds for PCOS
Did you know that seeds can help you with health problems? These superfoods are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, all of which we could use more of in our diets!
-Chia seeds are very filling since they contain fiber. They’re also full of iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and omega-3 fats. They can help give you energy, boost exercise performance, fight depression, help with Type 2 Diabetes, prevent migraines, improve PMS symptoms, lower blood pressure, and reduce insulin resistance.
-Pumpkin seeds are packed full of healthy nutrients and vitamins like magnesium, iron, zinc, protein, and vitamin A. Eating pumpkin seeds can help reduce cholesterol and boost your immune system, as well as help with androgenic alopecia or hair loss.
-Sesame Seeds are chock full of magnesium and calcium. They also can help lower cholesterol, as well as protect your liver from oxidative damage.
-Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium and selenium, which have anti-inflammatory benefits, can help with Type 2 Diabetes, and lower blood pressure.
The majority of seeds contain magnesium, which is essential for our bodies to function and provides the health benefits above.
Different ways you can include sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or chia seeds in your diet is to:
-Mix sunflower seeds or sesame in your chicken salad recipe, or sprinkle sunflower seeds on your oatmeal or cereal. If you want, you can just eat the sunflower seeds on their own as a snack throughout the day. Sesame seeds are especially good to add to a salad dressing.
-Toss some pumpkin seeds into a salad, stir them in with your stir-fry veggies, or sprinkle them on top of your yogurt or oatmeal. You can even bake them in the oven for a bit to give them an extra crunch and add them to granola or trail mix. If you’re baking them, make sure to add a bit of olive oil and some cinnamon and nutmeg, or paprika and cayenne, depending on if you want them to taste sweet or spicy.
-Throw some chia seeds in your oatmeal or soup. When you combine chia seeds with water, it forms a gel-like substance that is perfect for thickening a smoothie. You can even use them as an egg substitute in some recipes by taking one tablespoon of chia seeds, mixing them with three tablespoons of water, and letting it sit for 5 minutes before adding it to your recipe.
I don’t know about you, but I, for one, am going to start eating more seeds!
What are some ways YOU like to add seeds to your meals? 

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