National Infertility Awareness Week

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week. With 1 in 8 couples experiencing infertility issues (1 in 5 individuals), there may be more friends than you are aware of that are quietly struggling, and keep it to themselves out of privacy, stigma, embarrassment, or any number of reasons. It can get lonely, thinking you are the only one. You are not alone!

As we've been trying for over 5 years to have children without success, my advice would be:

To couples that are trying to get pregnant - If you have been trying to have kids without success for months, see a fertility specialist as soon as possible; don't wait. And, if you are beginning to try, it's not a bad idea for both you and your partner to get bloodwork and a check-up right off the bat to make sure everything is working right and you both are healthy. You don't have to wait until you been trying for months with no success to ask for help. By getting things tested at the beginning, you can be aware of any potential health issues and start working on them right away, so you're not going through the months of pointless trying, just to have your hopes dashed. Be your own advocate. And, if you do end up getting diagnosed with infertility issues, remember, you are more than your diagnosis. Your feelings, emotions, and experiences are valid.

To everyone - Reach out to friends and those around you with kindness; you never know what they may be going through and how a smile, a kind word, or a listening ear may help them.
I'm here if anyone needs someone to talk to or vent to; this journey is not easy, but it can be a little less lonely and a little easier when we have each other's backs.


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