It's Great Poetry Day!
Explore the world of poetry as another way to boost your emotional wellbeing. (Written for ) Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. -Robert Frost For centuries, poets have found ways to talk beautifully about mental health, emotions and the world around us. Poetry can be one of the most beautiful forms of written and spoken language. It can help you talk about and give shape to difficult feelings, like grief, depression and heartache. Through its comfortable format, it allows you to navigate and confront your innermost thoughts, emotions and struggles, as well as provide a safe space for you to share them with others. Today on Great Poetry Day, it is the perfect time to celebrate poets and their works, as well as try your hand at writing some yourself as a method of self-care and relaxation: It’s not too late to invite people over for a poetry reading, eith...